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I grew up in a small suburb in Ohio, but did not get to experience much of it. My father and mother did not even let me venture past the confines of our neighborhood street. As far as I was concerned from the safety of our own yard, we did not live in a dangerous area. 


Through arduous and consistent effort, my mother got us out of the place, and over the course of many moves since I was eight years old, we have ended up in a beautiful city in Indiana. I am forever grateful for the opportunities that has provided me, and this website is one of them. 


Just like everyone, I grapple with my mental health. Writing has always been my outlet - I express myself in my journals, my notes app, my unpublished fiction, and now in my blog and my in-progress poetry collection. I am doing what I've always done but publicizing it.


On the blog are posts from poetry collections to personal anecdotes to mental health discussions. I am not a therapist (I'm definitely not qualified), but I am here to write how I feel in case anyone can relate and maybe feel a little bit less alone. To show self-love is possible even if you're not proud of who you once were. To show it's possible to climb out of a pit so deep you were starting to feel a little hot. To inspire, to the best of my ability, people to express their emotions in a world that tries to invalidate them, to use their voice in a world that tries to subdue them, and to be themselves in a world that tells them who they should be.​


I don't have many blog posts out yet, but hopefully as more start rolling out, my main message will become clearer: it is okay to struggle, and you and your emotions are valid.


Welcome to my journal.

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